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Actor Configuration Options


  • boolean
  • Whether the actor is enabled by default in the options menu or not.
    -- Yes
    enabled = true
    -- No
    enabled = false


  • string | table
  • NPC entity class. May be in the form of a string or a list of strings.
    -- string
    class = 'npc_citizen'
    -- table
    class = {


  • string
  • The name of the actor, which is displayed in the options menu.
    -- string
    name = 'Amogus'


  • number
  • Percentage filling from 0 to 100. Used when changing the slider for the total number of NPCs on the map.
    -- number
    -- If the npc limit is 30, then it will be 50% of the number 30.
    fullness = 50


  • number
  • Sets a fixed number of NPCs to spawn by default. Attention: this parameter is not compatible with "fullness". But you can still change this slider individually.
    -- number
    -- When changing the slider for the total number of NPCs, the limit will always be at a value of - 5.
    limit = 5


  • table
  • Team to which the actor belongs. Default teams: residents, police, bandits, zombies.
    -- table
    -- is in the team of citizens
    team = { 'residents' }
    -- is a member of the citizen and police team
    team = { 'residents', 'police' }


  • table
  • A weapon that an actor can spawn with. The weapon is not in the hands, it is "in the pocket". NPC takes (spawns) weapons if necessary.
    -- table
    weapons = { 'weapon_pistol' }
    weapons = { 'weapon_pistol', 'weapon_shotgun' }


  • boolean | number
  • The chance at which an NPC can get a weapon. If set to "false", the NPC will always take weapons.
    -- number
    -- 20% chance to pick up a weapon
    getting_weapon_chance = 20
    -- boolean
    -- always take a weapon
    getting_weapon_chance = false


  • table | number
  • How much money can an NPC throw away after death. Works if there are handlers and mods for money. You can specify a fixed or random amount.
    -- number
    -- Always throw away "30" money upon death.
    money = 30
    -- table
    -- Throw away a random amount of money from "1" to "20". If 0 falls out, then nothing will come of it.
    money = { 0, 20 }


  • table | number
  • How much health the npc can spawn with. You can specify a fixed or random number.
    -- number
    -- The NPC spawns with "50" health each time.
    health = 50
    -- table
    -- The NPC spawns with a random amount of health from "30" to "100".
    health = { 30, 100 }


  • number | enum
  • Sets weapon proficiency (Read More).
    -- number / enum
    weapon_skill = WEAPON_PROFICIENCY_POOR


  • table
  • Sets the lines to be spoken by NPCs in different states.
    -- No description yet


  • number
  • Sets the maximum number of vehicles to spawn.
    -- number
    -- Spawn a maximum of 2 cars for a given actor type.
    max_vehicle = 2


  • table
  • Sets the states in which the movement speed will be multiplied.
    -- No description yet


  • number
  • Chance for an existing or new actor to get into a transport on the map, instead of being removed or teleported.
    -- number
    -- 10% chance to board an existing vehicle on the map.
    enter_to_exist_vehicle_chance = 10


  • number
  • Works if random colors (vehicles_random_color) are enabled. Sets limits on bright colors, making them less toxic.
    -- number
    -- 25% chance of setting a strict color.
    vehicles_strict_color_chance = 25


  • boolean
  • Enable color randomization for vehicles.
    -- boolean
    -- Turn on random colors.
    vehicles_random_color = true
    -- boolean
    -- Turn off random colors.
    vehicles_random_color = false


  • boolean
  • Switch of random skins for vehicles.
    -- boolean
    -- Enable random skins.
    vehicles_random_skin = true
    -- boolean
    -- Disable random skins.
    vehicles_random_skin = false


  • boolean
  • Random bodygroup switcher for vehicles.
    -- boolean
    -- Enable random bodygroups.
    vehicles_random_bodygroups = true
    -- boolean
    -- Disable random bodygroups.
    vehicles_random_bodygroups = false


  • string
  • Sets the primary group for this actor's car.
    -- string
    -- Allows only actors from the police group to get into the car
    vehicle_group = 'police'


  • table
  • A list of cars that can be created for this actor. All major vehicle bases must be supported. If there are problems with any base - let me know.
    -- table
    -- Sets the actor's vehicles list
    vehicles = {


  • number
  • Changes the ranking limits for choosing a random state value. It is recommended to use it to increase the spread if the calculations from 0 to 100 are not enough for you..
    -- number
    -- Changes randomization settings from "0 -## 100" to "0 -## 120".
    at_random_range = 120
    at_random = {
        ['walk'] = 75,
        ['idle'] = 10,
        ['dialogue'] = 15,
        ['sit_to_chair'] = 10,
        ['random_gesture'] = 10,


  • number
  • Similar actions as "at_random_range", but only for the field "at_damage".


  • number
  • Similar actions as "at_random_range", but only for the field "at_protect".


  • table
  • Actions that the actor will perform after a random period of time.
    -- 50% chance to walk, 50% chance to rest
    at_random = {
        ['walk'] = 50,
        ['idle'] = 50,


  • table
  • Actions that the actor will take if he is attacked.


  • table
  • Actions an actor will take if his ally is attacked.


  • number
  • Set the spawn delay in seconds from the moment the actor dies.
    -- The actor will spawn 5 seconds after death if the global spawn delay is less than this limit.
    respawn_delay = 5


  • number
  • Relevant only in the case of an active module on the "Wanted System". Set the level at which NPCs can spawn (1 to 5)
    -- Compare actors only if wanted level - 3
    wanted_level = 3


  • boolean
  • Possibility to turn off Background NPCs state logic. This allows you to spawn NPCs on the map, but not change their original behavior.
    -- NPCs will not use the state system of their Background NPCs
    disable_states = false


  • function
  • Checks the validity of the data before creating the actor. Can cancel the creation of the actor if it returns "false".
    -- @self - config data
    -- @npc_type - actor type/id
    validator = function(self, npc_type)
        -- Cancels the creation of an actor if its class is not in the list of NPCs.
        if list.Get('NPC')[self.class] == nil then
            return false


  • string
  • Inherits data from another actor. Useful if you don't want to overwrite the same parameters all the time.
    -- For example, this is our main actor.
    bgNPC.cfg:SetActor('actor_1', {
        enabled = true,
        name = 'Actor 1',
        class = 'npc_citizen',
        fullness = 64,
        team = { 'residents' },
        health = 1000,
        at_random = {
            ['walk'] = 50,
            ['idle'] = 50,
        at_damage = { ['defense'] = 100 },
        at_protect = { ['defense'] = 100 }
    -- This actor uses the "inherit" parameter to borrow the missing parameters it takes from "actor_1"
    bgNPC.cfg:SetActor('actor_2', {
        enabled = true,
        name = 'Actor 2',
        inherit = 'actor_1',
        team = { 'bandits' },
        at_protect = { ['fear'] = 100 },
    -- This actor uses the "inherit" parameter to borrow missing parameters, which it takes from "actor_2", which previously borrowed data from "actor_1".
    -- But there is also a team parameter where we explicitly specify from which actor we want to borrow data.
    -- The "@" sign is used to indicate the actor from which we want to borrow a similar field.
    bgNPC.cfg:SetActor('actor_3', {
        enabled = true,
        name = 'Actor 3',
        inherit = 'actor_2',
        team = '@actor_1',
        at_damage = { ['fear'] = 100 },
        at_protect = { ['fear'] = 100 }


  • boolean
  • Enables an option for NPCs to spawn with random skins.
    -- Enable random skins
    random_skin = true
    -- Disable random skins
    random_skin = false


  • boolean
  • Enables an option for NPCs to spawn with random bodygroups.
    -- Enable random bodygroups
    random_bodygroups = true
    -- Disable random bodygroups
    random_bodygroups = false


  • boolean
  • Enables or disables the use of standard NPC models. Useful if you use custom models.
    -- Enable default models
    default_models = true
    -- Disable default models
    default_models = false


  • table
  • Sets a list of custom npc models.
    models = {


  • table
  • Set values for relations that will be applied to the actor after spawning (Read More).
    relationship = {
        ['@player'] = D_HT, -- Hate the players
        ['@actor'] = D_HT,  -- Hate other actors
        ['@team'] = D_LI,   -- Befriend team members
        ['@npc'] = D_NU,    -- Be neutral towards other NPCs


  • boolean
  • Compatibility with BSmod addon. Prevents the addon from using animations on actors.
    -- Disable animations
    bsmod_damage_animation_disable = true
    -- Enable animations
    bsmod_damage_animation_disable = false

Not all options are presented in this article. Expect updates...